Come and Sew at a Neighborhood Group or Special Interest Group
Neighborhood Groups are your chance to spend time sewing with other members on a your own project or a special group project. Members are always willing to help each other with fitting and sewing problems. Groups meet monthly. We want to encourage our members to come and sew, meet each other, socialize and spend some time together learning ideas, a new project or maybe even go out to lunch.
Special Interest Groups focus on a facet of sewing. We have special interest groups that just do clothing construction and are interested in well-fitting clothing. If this is your area of interest, you might consider attending these meetings.
Get Excited About Sewing
Our groups are the “glue” that helps to send out our message about ASG and get our members excited about sewing. It is at these meetings that you really get to make new friends and have some extra fun. As a member of the American Sewing Guild, you may attend any Neighborhood Group or Special Interest Group of your choosing. You may attend more than one group also! However, you may only attend two meetings if you are not an ASG member. (Becoming a member will give you the chance to get involved. If you are interested in joining the American Sewing Guild, click here to join.)
Group Guide
Group Name
This n That Neighborhood Group
Map and Details |
First & Fourth Friday each month
10:00 am-1:00 pm |
Card Room, Rancho Grande Mobile Home Park, 5099 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park
Sewing in the Books
This program is neither sponsored by, nor affiliated with, the Sonoma County Library. Map and Details |
Please check the weekly emailed newsletter, Sew Happy, for the dates and times. (Currently looking for Venue.)
Windsor Regional Library, 9291 Old Redwood Highway, Building 100, Windsor
Sew Together Neighborhood Group
Map and Details |
Third Tuesday and last Monday each month, 10:30 am-5:00 pm
Village Sewing Center
506 Lewis Rd Santa Rosa |
Log into the members only area for the group leader's contact information and email her with any questions.